26 September 2006

Two sets of twins

Only 10 months apart and relatively of the same size, Sufi and Fazli end up looking like unidentical twins....something like Brandon and Brenda of Beverly Hils 90210 lah.

Here, flanked by the genuine twins, Sufi and Fazli enjoy as much 'twin attention' as their brothers, if not more.

"Ooooh look so cute......two sets of twins!!!!"
"Eh so cute ah got boy-boy twins and boy-girl twins"
"Wah so many kids....all 4 yours ah? All oso twins ah?
No wonder strangers are called strangers...they say strange things.
And after sometime, you just won't bother to correct them anymore......heheh.

But if you ask me, twins or not, all 4 of them have their own unique qualities and preferences.
So ya, although it's fun to have two sets of twins, I'd prefer to think that I have 4 very different and unique children.....

25 September 2006

Happy Birthday....eh belum...eh dah???

Yeah yeah dah birthday....
Mak n Pak said we were gonna have our birthday party in school, but according to our BC our birthday is not till 3rd Oct....pening lah

Wait let's check what's going on...

Apparently our birthday falls during bulan posa, so we can't have it then, that's why we are having it earlier...Baru pakcik tau....

Our classmates...or should we say our very HUNGRY classmates

Kalau ye pun tunggulah sampai cake dah potong....

Errr, siapa eh belum dapat???

Dah dapat cake and goodie bag baru HEPI.....