28 July 2006

Juz last week, Hazrin made a nonchalant remark over dinner, and it couldn't come at a weirder time.... He said he's known me for ten years, but I still look the same!!!
My first reaction was one of blatant confusion....He was telling me either one of two things : That I still look young after 10 years, or in all likelihood, that I still look as kental as ever.
So while I slowly gobbled down his words along with that spoonful of chicken rice, I asked.
All I can say is that after 10 years, he's all the wiser now...Heheh....He picked the right answer.

So that got me to thinking. Ten years and 4 kids later, we're still having fun. Sure enough, like all marriages, ours come with ups and downs aplenty. But with all the little rascals around to keep us going, we never had a chance to grow old.... yet. So I guess that was why he thought "I still look the same". I suspect I dont look as young, what with all the occasional eyebags and all!

Anyway, the big 30 is lurking just around the corner, and while I dont expect to "still look the same", I intend to encapsulate all the bitter sweet memories of our younger days, up to now and beyond, so that our children can appreciate the raw energy of our youth, and the triumph of our journey ahead....and understand how they have brought more sunshine into our lives......


citizen girl said...

steady lah!!! 10 years and still look the same... step forever young gitu eh? hee hee hee!!!

haznsham said...

eh bukan step forever young, young at heart that's why