30 August 2006

Last of the Finger Grabbers

I just realised that Fazli will be the last of the finger grabbers, much to Sham's relief. I can still remember how badly dependent he was on us, and how our fingers were always a source of comfort to him. Now he grabs it as and when he wants to, and even crisply says, 'Na nak!' when I offer him my finger. It won't be long till he is 'weaned' off this finger of mine. So I must enjoy it while it lasts... cos who knows when we'll get another finger grabber...


citizen girl said...

fazli is growing up fast! he used to be this cute little boy who moves across the room using his butt... heh! but now still cute also lah

haznsham said...

i can remember when Cik Aziz put him across the room just to see him move with his butt and got a real laugh out of it...