10 September 2006

Plastic Heads

HAHA if you think this is a costume party, you're not exactly wrong.... Here, the kidz are all 'dressed up' to carry on their cycling trip. But nope, that's not their safety helmet....It's their 'mak-and-pak-innovative-rainy-day' survivor kit.

Heavy shower didn't dampen the kidz spirits to complete their cycling expedition. So, as adventurous parents, we reciprocated their willpower with a bigger-than-life attitude. We made them each wear a 'shower cap', and trudged on through the cold and heavy rain right till the end.......

Too much for the kidz to handle? Not at all......They enjoyed every second of it, and at the end of the journey, everyone (including Sufi and Fazli!) was overjoyed.

For the kidz....

Lesson #1 - Finish what you started

Lesson #2 - Make the best of every situation

Lesson #3 - Innovate. Necessity is the mother of invention

Lesson #4 - As long as it's not detrimental and not haram, have fun

Keep it up kidz!


Anonymous said...

ahhhhh... playing in the rain...
that's something aunty used to do when she was much younger and i miss it.

rahyan said...

how nice! even the rain can't dampen your spirits! how often do you guys go cycling.

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Kak Mimi, Gd news!!! Lupa2nya one of the two kitties betina lah. Its the dark grey one. Nanti after raya i'll pass it to you ok.

haznsham said...

come to think of it, maybe we go cycling about one or twice a month....d kidz love east coast....imagine nana n wawa n my twinz all cycling together...SO THE CUTE!!!
And dont mind I link u up?

Melati - how can u just realize that d kitten is female heheh....u sure not? skali 1 month later u realize it's a male pulak.....Got picture?

rahyan said...

LOL. Nana & Wawa still trying to grapple with the art of pushing one leg after the other. We bought them a tricycle each - they gave up cycling and started bulldozing around the house with them. But the thought of our twins cycling together is cute. err...nana & wawa tompang your boys ah. *clears throat*

sure! link away. I'll link you too kay.

- rahyan

Anonymous said...

Hehe. Yan, tgh survey2 bakal son-in-laws ke? Hehe... Kalau jadi, alhamdulillah. Makin rapat ikatan kau dgn aku, cos' Shamilah pun ada blood ties with me (my paternal side).

But on a serious note, I think it's real cute to see the all the twins together. Sure a head turner.... :)

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Hi Kak Mi, Yes lah confirm. Pasal masa tu tak sure sangat. But now more 'clearer'. Nanti melati e-mail gambar.

Riyana said...

cute2 anak2 u...otak mak n pak dia creative..hehehe..hope we can join one day k p cycling ramai2..mesti fun

haznsham said...

Hi Yana....bukan otak creative, but nak hidup....and ya should try go cycling together...ramai ramai hog two lanes....heheh

Azfar said...

time for me to begin cycling all over again! hehehe...

Anonymous said...

wooohooo! just as i envisioned long ago to matchmake nana&wawa with faris&faiz, hehheee:



best kan, like hv double wedding! lol! ok ok, slow down aunty hana...

btw guys, we MUST organise that bbq thingy. eh, but.. puasa coming liao!

guess i'll see u guys at nenek's sometime soon then....

*muaks to the four lil bubs especially faiz ~grrr~*

Anonymous said...

Your youngest is so adorable