15 December 2006

Land of a Thousand Smiles

Here we are (just the 2 of us) blogging from the departure gate of T1, on our way to Bangkok. Unfortunately we only have 15 mins at the terminal. So stay tuned and watch this space.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shamilah

My parents and Caca are also in Bangkok. They said its scorching hot in the day. Hope you have fun there!

Anonymous said...

wei!!! where are my t-shirts? hee hee hee!!!

Unknown said...

hi kak mimi, i envy you! nak ikut plsssss....

haznsham said...

Juhanna, really? Tapi tak terjumpa pulak.N ya the weather was hot in the day, so we shopped indoors. Malam baru merayap kat luar....Nak carikkan Nur's Polo-T. Btw Nur, we'll send the Ts to u dis weekend. Abg Hazrin said tak payah pay back.....Hah sukalah tu! Heheh

Lin, u should envy us heheh. Went for massage n all....Action macam baru kahwin! Enjoooooy! But balik honeymoon terus dapat 4 anak! Kwakwakwa