16 May 2007

Danial and Matin

Here are some long overdue pics of our cuzzens, Danial and Matin.
They are Ayah Long's clones, and we will miss (bullying) them when they finally migrate to Adelaide , but hey, they'll be back for NS someday, no?!
Yo Danial, remember to blog us okey, and long live Spiderman!
Hey dude, you having prob with that bag of chips? Think you'll see better with that shades off, man.....
Umm no more time for chips. Have to take care of l'il brudder here.....
Cute Matin, with his two tiny short hands. He cant even touch the top of his head!
Ok lah whatever. I know my hands are short but you can stop taking my pics.
Go take spidey pictures lah.....

Spidey, there you are!


Anonymous said...

Priceless... and yes, it is hilarious to read blog post from your "kids". hehe

haznsham said...

Ahhahaha yeah our mum's "kids" are hilarious alrite! ;)

Anonymous said...

your cousins migrating to adelaide? interesting! heard adelaide's sleepier than perth (and i thoguht perth's sleepy enough). i'm sure they'll have a great childhood there.

haznsham said...

Really aunty cake?! How nice! So kindergarten kids dont have to do homework everyday izzit?
Mak can we migrate too, please?!