05 June 2007

Holiday at work

No June hols for us this year. The whole family's in a chicken soup!
Faiz AND Hazrin got the pox today.....so that's 3 down.

But it's a blessing in disguise I guess, cos we're also saving money for our year end trip to Melbourne. Hopefully Dec will make up for the 'minimized' June....

It's actually a work attachment for me, and I've decided to bring the whole family down - husband, children, parents and all. They can all holiday downunder while I go to work.....Poor me has to go to work while the rest will be having fun, but it's better than having to leave the whole family behind, had I accepted my previous offer to the States instead.

This year, seeing that Hazrin is due to finish his studies, and the kids are bigger, I decided to accept the award. Anyway, I feel paiseh for not accepting it, especially since management has been very supportive and understanding of my motherhood status all this while. For all the support they've given, and the trust they have in me, I feel obligated to play my part.

I've also been offered to pursue the doctor of pharmacy, and have already started my oncology clinical attachment. I'm lovin it, but I still fear losing sight of my priorities. Hopefully I dont stray my niat ;s

Hazrin is returning me the support I've given him these last few years of his studies, and I'm finally ready to take this next step, Insya Allah. So please pray for me.

As for the pox, well, more bottles of calamine for this chicky family, I guess.......


Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Hey kak Mi, heard from Cik Eton that u were going. Oh and that u guys need to find ur own accommodation kan? Need help tak? Cuz I have a friend who leaves there that can probably get good cheap rents since he's been there for years now and have his own car shop. Do let me know ya.

Anonymous said...

you go girrrl!! it's amazing how you do what you do sham...may Allah bless you with all that you need in this journey :)

haznsham said...

Eh Melati, really?! That'll be great!!! Phew that's one matter off our mind. And car shop you say? Abg Hazrin will looove that! I can always count on you, thank goodness. K I'll call u for the details rite. Tx! Yaaaaye!alhamdulillah!

And how's SLEEP?! *evil grin*
Kiss baby for me.

haznsham said...

Hi cake

Tx for your prayer ;)
I really hope I can cope.

But actually there's nothing amazing about what I do lah, seriously....I guess I just go with the flow, as long as Allah allows. We all do anyway, rite...

Nike lah babe...Just do it heheh like real!

Anonymous said...

aww poor kids but its good to get it at this age I supposed.

Anyway Sham, how long will you be going Down Under?

And oh.. we will be at Aiman's place after maghrib because that is when she will sit and dine as well. Also, I will be at the groom's place the next day cuma tak sure what time.

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

More like tempat modification untuk kreta. Please let me know the details soon ya, like when and how long cuz takut he'll be back then susah nak arrange etc.

haznsham said...

J,the kids tu one thing, but the Pak kena the pox is another! And u know lah in adults, it's worse, what with all the muscle and joint aches, fever and all.

I dont think I can make it to Aiman's Saturday wedding, cos I've to attend to my 'patients' at home....macam hospital, my house ;)
I'll be at the groom's place on sunday. Hope to see you there.

haznsham said...

Melati, you mean like OVERHAULIN izzit? That's even better! He cant modify his car there, but tengok pun jadi ah.

N yup will call you as soon as I confirm some other stuff.

Anonymous said...

sham, CONGRATS!!! i know that you'll make a GREAT clinical pharmacist yet remain a loving mother and wife! :)

haznsham said...

Eh hi Liane....miss u oredi ah....

And congrats to you too!!!! YOU will make a great lawyer! :)

Btw, Rachel got accepted into pharmacy, you know?!