30 August 2006

Happy Cheacher Day 2006

The twins are celebrating their first teachers' day this year. Having 2 teachers in a class is no joke. It's bad enough that we have to get two of everything for the boys, now we also need to get 2 of everything for their teachers.

Strangely, the boys wanted to get for their teachers a necklace and a bag. Go figure! Somehow or another, Sham managed to psycho them into getting soap from Crabtree and Evelyn and a small wallet each for BOTH teachers.

The presents look so cute that Sham wishes she was a teacher, just for tomorrow and during the school holidays, then when term starts, she can go back to her own job.


Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

OMG, Sufi look so like you when u were little...!!! Oh anyway Happy Teacher's Day Abg Haz!!

Anonymous said...

wah...i also want to be cheacher! can get crabtree & evelyn..hee.

Anonymous said...

Hi .. surf punya surf ternampak your face and u look so damn familiar... a hop to your blog confirms it's you.... but just wanna double confirm r u shamila from NUS... err think back in 99.. heehehe ok if u are keep in touch!