24 August 2006

Movies at the Padang

After 2 hours, the sun went down and it was time for Movies at the Padang.

The kids were hounding us, 'Apasal lambatnyeeeeee??? No reasons we gave were good enuff for them.So when the movie finally started, we thought they would be satisfied and finally quieten down but....NO. This time it was, 'Tak nampak lah. Orang tu besar sangat lah!!!' Our picnic neighbours were sort of amused with our antics cos we were all constantly shifting from one end of the mat to the other. We were sooo busy!Apparently, the twinz discovered that the best seat was on my lap. So Faiz ended up perched on my lap for the good next 2 hours, and Faris had an even better seat on Sham's lap. As for the 2 tounger ones, a packet of chips did the trick.....They ate the night away, lost in their own world.

1 comment:

citizen girl said...

ohmahgawd! i can so imagine how the twins make noise during the movie!