25 August 2006


Skateboards are the twins' new craze now. They've been persistently bugging me to get them one each.
Problem is, they're a tad bit too small to pick up skateboarding just yet.
I've been relentlessly turning down their requests, but I wonder if my patience will last.

For one thing, I've been the only one refusing them......Cos everytime I needed Hazrin to back me up, all he could afford was a wicked grin.....
An avid skateboarder himself during his teenage years, he emphatized with the twins' interest. And that wicked grin was a testimony to his great desire to relive his younger days, and bond with his kidz in the way he knew best - Skateboarding!
He was seemingly flattered that the twinz have inherited his love for that sport, and was unadmittedly wishing that he could teach them (or show off, rather ) all the tricks of the trade, unperturbed by the fact that they may get hurt.

But then again, we've always brought our children up to be adventurous. Rock climbing, swimming, cycling, jungle trekking and other impromptu adventure outings have always occupied our weekends anyway, and getting hurt has been part and parcel of their growing up.

So maybe I should just let them have the boards..... Afterall, I know they will be in the hands of a professional.......


Anonymous said...

Kak Mimi, ok what... do u remember that roller blades were all the rage in our time? But we survived didn't we? i'm sure ur cute boys will manage..hehehe.

citizen girl said...

ohmahgawd! the skateboarding genes actually went to the twins? haha! ingatkan dah hilang..

citizen girl said...
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haznsham said...

Ya lah. The twinz got his genes, if there is such a thing as skateboarding gene!

And I think during our time, it was more of those heavy big wheeled roller skates kan? Teringat semua perasan nak jadi macam Olivia Newton John in the movie Xanadu...hehe

Abeh there was oso ice skating. I remember there was one time i went with mariah and melati, and mariah fell down like nangka busuk - but not before she pulled melati down with her, who oso fell like a nangka busuk!

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Oiii... Ice Skating, Roller Blading apa lagi...Mariah is always pulling me down with her...ha ha ha.