06 September 2006

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Our cycling trip in East Coast recently had been very heartwarming.

With only 3 bikes left to rent, Fazli couldn't get his own.
So Faris came to his rescue. He came down from his bike, literally carried Fazli onto the bike, and painstakingly pushed his little brother around.

But Fazli's contentment was shortlived.

He started throwing tantrums, and that spurred Faris to come to his rescue...again.

This time, we placed Fazli on the small 'passenger seat' so that Faris didn't have to give up his bike again.

Although that slowed his ride down, Faris didn't complain.
He even made sure that Fazli's grip around his waist was securely tight. And everytime he sensed Fazli's grip loosening, he would grab hold of his little brother's hands.

That's just so Faris. As the eldest, he's always naturally protective over his younger siblings.

On one occassion, Sufi wandered off on her own, and we realized it only after hearing Faris's shouts. When we found them, Faris was crying. He said he cried because he knew he had to lose us to go after Sufi. So, when asked why he went after Sufi if he was scared himself, Faris said he had to cos if he didn't, Sufi would be all alone, and she couldn't shout loud enough for help...

As parents, we are thankful to God.

"Faris, when you read this one day, I just want you to know that pak and mak are very proud of you"


Anonymous said...

As an auntie, I am very proud of Faris too. The story is so heartwarming, I teared! :D

Anonymous said...

That is very Faris lah... so heartwarming... brought a tear to my eye reading it. Aunty Nur is very proud of you darling! :)

rahyan said...

Hi! Got here from marlina's.

Faris is so responsible and I feel its traits he inherits from his parents ;). I pray everyday too that my kids will look out for each other. my twins just keep on oscillating from being a kakak figure to an adik figure every millisecond, i sometimes get confused which one's the kakak or adik. LOL.

Azfar said...

hmm..i wonder if i'll even get to experience parenthood. at the rate i'm going, it seems quite unlikely that i'll even get myself a wife. heh.

faris, faiz, sufi & fazli - if uncle bob grows old all alone and turn frail, please take good care of me.

Anonymous said...

Faris is so sweeeet.... Er, I 'reserve' for my lil' Iman, can? Hehe...

But seriously, sometimes children have their own ways of touching our hearts. And as parents, sometimes I wish the kids don't grow up so soon, fearing they'll lose their innocence. :)

haznsham said...

Welcome Nana & Wawa :)
And yupz twinz are like that. They 'take turns' to be cheeky too....

Marlina - I agree. Especially cos their innocence is so refreshing....