04 October 2006

Iftar at Nizam's

The NIE Dipedders gang met up for iftar at Nizam's new place. We've been together eversince we were in NIE, struggling with our assignments and staying overnight at the old Bukit Timah campus, to book our electives for the new semester. Over the years, one after another got married, had kids, moved house, bought cars and had more kids....

It was nice meeting up with the guys again.....reminiscing bout the times we had back in NIE. However, more intresting were our other conversation topics. We now talk about places to get the cheapest milk formula, diapers and even ready-made curtains. We still do talk bout other more macho stuff, like our cars, however we do run the risk of getting the evil eye from our significant other...


Anonymous said...

salaams...happened to drop by here through a labyrinth of links...and was surprised to see kak salyna+family's picture...the last time we kept in touch was before she was married...hehe. a small world indeed. does she happen to have an email address/bloglink/etc? :D

Anonymous said...

Is that Hairi (the 1 in black on the left)? He looks so different now! Duh! What am I talking about...it's been 10 years since we graduated from poly & I heard he has a pair of twins too?(girl-boy?) Any more additions to his family?