08 October 2006

Shhhhh....artist @ werk

The twinz are beginning to show talent in drawing and colouring...

Here's our family portrait...

Faris's aeroplane

Faiz's robot

and not to be outdone, Fazli also wanted to show off his artistic talents as well...

unfortunately he chose to express it on our wall...looks like a graffiti artist in the making...


Anonymous said...

Awww... so sweet. I like the family potraits best! Complete with cats and all. :D

Anonymous said...

yay!!! poosible they got the artistic talents from aunty nur? heeheehee!!! kidding!!!

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE!!!! Aiks, got cats some more in the family pic! Shamilah, maybe U should reserve a wall just for lil Fazli. We don't want any artistic inspiration go to a waste, do we? :)

Anonymous said...

hihi!! syazana hereee! im so glad you guys still remember me. i thought you've forgotten me for sure. anw, i didnt know you had four kids already!! how time flies...! (((:

any way i can contact you?


haznsham said...

Hi Chet!!!!! Of course we remember you! Mak never got over you moving away, actually. Until now she still thinks of you. She even said that my lil girl Sufi reminded her of you.And I think so too : )
I bet you're all grown up now. How're ur parents n siblings? I'll mail u my contact number ok.....

Marlina - I tot of reserving the kidz bedroom walls for their art, but the father pun sebok nak request for a wall for rock climbing heheh. So I scrapped the idea......

Lin n Nur - When u gals have kidz one day, remember to use washable paint!