09 November 2006

First Day of Eid Mubarak

Here's just a peek into our first day of Eid Mubarak. As it is, we're not done visiting juz yet, so watch this space......

Mak & Ayah's Place

Mummy & Pak's Place

Kakak and the kidz

Yaya, me and some of the kidz

Abang Nazif, Shabana and Danial

Najwa, Nur and us again

Danial, and Azfar being attacked....


~counting my blessings~ said...

eh ni banyak curik gambar2 aku..hehe...takper share2..mana gambar korang amik pakai camera baru? ehem ehem...

Nyways pls tell abg haz, bob the builder once dah confirm nanti aku sms...

haznsham said...

Heheh....abeh kau banyak gambar....
Akunya camerakan rosak....

Abt the show, nasib baik kau dapat free tickets. The last time we went to Disney on Ice, I spent almost $500 on the whole family....not including snacks and souveniers! Phew!

~counting my blessings~ said...

Eeeee.....really?? $500? hahaha seram ah tu....hmm perhaps i shud charge u all $250 at least half price tau...but im still waiting for confirmation...hopefully dptla ye?

Oh nyways,,,for the wedding..kawan aku dah agree nak jadi floor manager..n ada nak jaga lagu etc..ada one dah agree nak buatkan montage.nanti il call them down..meeting pat rumah kau yg mcm white castle tu bleh eh?

haznsham said...

Hmmmm bleh, tapi kau kena siapkan makan eh.
Anyway, I will still contacy Najihah to rent some props. Otherwise, nak belik mahal giler. Unless u gimme big budgetlah........