13 November 2006

Our White castle

To our friends and relatives who couldn't make it to our house this raya, here's our white castle. Step right in.......

Our Dining Room

Our T.V and Computer Room

Our Living Room

Our Dining Room

Our T.V and Computer Room

Part of our Dining Room

Our Reading Corner

Our Dining Table

Sufi's Room

Kitty in Sufi's Room


Anonymous said...

lampu laura ashley takmo tunjuk orang ke kak sham? hee hee hee!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shamilah

How are u? It has been a long time lah since we last met and spoke. Anyway, will u be at home this sat at evening time? We (some of the classmates) would love to visit you. Let me know k?

~counting my blessings~ said...

ehhhh.....aku paling suka gambar bilik sufi..the one with kitty on the bed!! heheh im gonna kidnap ur kitty! ul see boy on ur bed instead! ahhaha...tak baik ahh...

Anonymous said...

CHARMING! Your white castle looks like something that comes right off from a home deco magazine, Shamilah! Er, but how do you actually maintain the 'whiteness' of your home especially with 4 kids around? :)

haznsham said...

Eh alamak sorrylah everyone......Been busy these last few days, hence the late reply.

Hi Juhanna, nice to find you in my blog. How did you find my blog? Do you have one yourself? And how are you and your family? Met Julie last month, tengah sarat mengandung! Has she given birth?
And abt Sat, I'm afraid i've made prior appointments lah......But if u girls meet, kirim my salam to all k?

Marlina, the question everyone has been asking is how we maintained the 'whiteness', but it's no secret, our best companion is the MAGIC SPONGE. Never heard of it before? Maybe I'll put it in my next post heheh

Nur, lampu Laura Ashley tak leh taruk kat blog ah....takut rumah kena rompak! : >

Mariah, kesian Boy....mentang mentang dia ada kurap! I think kalau dia posing kat dalam gambar tu pun cantik jugak apa......

Anonymous said...

I found your blog thru Melati. That's where I found Mariah also. :)

It has been a long time since we last catch up. Aiman and Aeshon are getting married by early next year. We are planning to throw a "bachelorette" gathering for both of them and I surely do hope you can make it.

Julie has given birth to a healthy baby girl, Syifaa' Zakirah. Don't know when will it be my turn. *shrugs*

Anyway, take care and do keep in touch.

Ps: Love reading your blog. Your kids are super cute and adorable!

Anonymous said...

Kak Shamilah, ur house is super super Cantik!

From raudhah - Mariah's friend

Anonymous said...

Updates plssssss!!!!

Azfar said...

waduuh..putih-seputih-putihnya! hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I like ur country style. The decor is really gorgeous. I'm still working on my new cottage. What's with men and their modern decor style, while we girls adore old school English style. Applauses for the gorgeous do-s sis!

haznsham said...

Harlow Raudhah! Welcome to our blog :)

Hi anonymous.....hehe ya most men prefer Modern and most girls prefer English. When we designed our home, we promised to meet halfway....thus the Modern English look (budget one, that is ;))

Azfar, next time u come over, wear ur shades brudder ;)

Anonymous said...

sham, i STILL am amazed at how WHITE and CLEAN and SUPERNEAT your house is despite four tornadoes in the house.

and i STILL havent used that bit of magic sponge u gave me, lol!

waiting for aniq to reach his 'grafitti' phase ni... brrrr.