05 January 2007

Of Xmas and presents......

The kids love getting their Christmas presents as much as they love getting their Hari Raya collection and their Chinese New Year hongbao. So every year, they get triple whammies while the adults get broke three times over!

But oklah, broke-ness aside, I think I enjoy all these festivities as much as the kids do (I repeat, brokeness aside!). Because I love, as Hazrin puts it, the fuss.....(Men don't get it! *roll eyes*)

I love looking for new Raya clothes.........I love exchanging Chinese New Year oranges......... I love buying and wrapping Xmas presents............And I love all the family gatherings that come with each festive celebration.

This year, our family gathering was more meaningful cos Aunty Nan decided to come all the way from New Zealand, to join us for Christmas. This, coupled with the addition of 2 new members into the clan......One being Alex - who married Hazrin's lovely cousin, Janine, and one being a month old baby Xander - Erwin and Jaslyn's second hero.

And this year, the mood was definitely much merrier (and noisier) cos everybody was trying to catch up with one another, while the kids were trying to catch one another! Chaotic? No, that's an understatement, heheh. But I'm not complaining. I love it!

The elders had a great time eating, the young adults had a great time sharing experiences, the young parents had a 'great time' fussing over their juniors, and the kids had a great time being kids, especially since their Uncle Ming and Abang Achek were around.

Granted, our family gatherings are getting busier by the year. And if our procreating fervour is anything to go by, we'll need a hall next time we converge for gatherings.

But the highlight of our Xmas gathering was, as always, the 'Santa Clausing' part. Faris, Faiz and Sufi actually counted their presents! Fazli couldn't count, but he knew he had gotten plenty of presents. Every present he unwrapped was punctuated with a YAYE! NI LI MUNYE! YAAAAAYE!!! He simply loves presents! And if THAT is hereditary, he probably got my genes.......

Still exchanging presents

The presents

More pics in our photoalbum.....


Anonymous said...

cepat lah put up photos of the kids going back to school!!!

haznsham said...

we didn't really take tt many pics n the pics tt were taken not so nice lah. will see wat we can do. stay tuned