05 February 2007

Wind of Change

When Hazrin and I decided to tie the knot 6 years ago, we were only 24.

In today's context, that was rather young an age to get married, so we had a lot of acquaintances quipping things like "Korang ni dah gatal sangat ke?!" or "You both REALLY REALLY ready to get TIED DOWN?" or " You don't want to enjoy yourselves and get rich first mah?" , to which we answered yes, yes and yes.

After all, I had only just gotten my license to practice, and Hazrin was still studying.

It was a weird process, I had to admit, cos Hazrin and I were from two very different worlds altogether, but things worked out between us and we found ourselves going down that road together.

I shall not dwell too much on our soul searching and His divine interventions, but suffice it to say, we were unusually prepared.

Our parents, though initially surprised, knew how sincere and determined we were. So they gave us their blessings.

But the surprise was revisited when we told them, two months after our wedding, that I had just conceived. And not just 1, but in fact 2 babies.

I still remember the look on Mummy's face. She had fear written all over it, and rightly so, cos I think she felt like we needed time to gain a stronger financial foothold before becoming parents to 2 babies.

Mak was excited when she learned of our twin preganncy, but I did catch a glimpse of fear too, soon after.

Last year, when I attended my annual congress, I was 'commended' for breaking the pharmacy procreation record. I'm not sure I was flattered cos although most of them meant well, some did say it in jest. Sham is probably a lunatic, headed for a career suicide. She didn't study soo hard to become a baby-making machine did she?
Well, for the record, I didn't study THAT hard. And what's so wrong about becoming a 'baby-making' machine'?

The safest way to go, nowadays, is typically a marriage that is at least a good few years after career establishment, afterwhich conception only begins at least a year later, followed by perhaps only one more perfectly spaced out conception. This is perfectly fine, workable and understandable, especially in Singapore. It's the more practical path, and Hazrin and I believed in that system too, until the wind of change changed us......

We learned that to be happy, we have to do what is right by us. Set our goals, move towards it together, and pray. Then when all is said and done, learn to appreciate His blessings.

We love having a big family, period. But Hazrin and I are adventure freaks. So naturally, we had to have all our children before we reach 30, while we still have our youth and energy. It may not be the norm, but 4 kids and 2 cats later, we have never regretted embarking on this journey. Our career was not compromised. In fact, the birth of every child has brought with it a unique string of 'rezeki' that culminated in more work promotions and progress.

We are not very rich, but we are not 'just getting by' either. We earnestly earn our keep, and we dont find ourselves having to compromise anyone's basic necessities, education, leisure or standard of living by having to 'spread' our income among more family members. Whatever it is, suffice it to say, we won't get richer having two kids and two cats less anyway.

It doesn't matter which road one takes -the main road, the expressway or the side road. As long as we get to our destination without having to compromise our dignity, honour, happiness, self-respect, safety and balance, that's a good road. In fact, there is no one road to take indefinitely. We choose our own speed and scenery......

When it comes to starting a family, Hazrin and I did not choose the main road not because we think it's the wrong road, but because it just doesn't suit us. We wish it would though, cos the more travelled road normally comes with more directions. : )

But our road gives us the balance we need. It is admittedly a more challenging road, one that comes with less instructions and more turns and bumps, but it gives us the time to wind down our windows and appreciate the scenery - the finer things in life.

There used to be a time when I endeavoured because I felt it was expected of me, and though I surpassed most expectations , I didn't feel complete.

I was put under a public microscope, and to keep up with expectations, I felt compelled to get in the race. Who's the smartest? Who's the most beautiful? Who's the richest? a.k.a the Kiasu race. Winner gets candy.

Then yet another race. Who's the smartest of the smartest? Who's the richest of the richest? Winner gets diabetes. ;O

Some people prefer staying on this expressway. And if it is right by them, they should stay on it.
But Hazrin and I decided to get off that road for now. We are finding our balance, and sometimes we get lost, but heck life is a journey. We have learned to laugh at ourselves.

We'll just keep on driving as best as we see fit. And we'll try to remember to let Him, and not our selfish ego lead the way.


Anonymous said...

Salam Ukhti Sham,

I vaguely know who you are, having seen you in NUS previously... although we never had any direct intraction...thought you were the sweetest thing!:)

Heard from the NUS malays grapevine about you getting married to bro hazrin...and am glad to hear of your large family. I do envy you :) Would like to know more about the divine intervention that your husband went through.

Thank you for this entry because it just reassured me that its ok to be travelling the path where not many has gone before. It takes a lot of guts to do what you and your husband did..I would have probably done the same too if I were you.

So anyway, have a good life ahead and may all of Allah's blessings be on you and the family.

haznsham said...

Salam anonymous,

Thank you for your prayers and kind words. And thanx for dropping by my blog :)

I wish I can admit we have guts, but like most people who taken the road less travelled, I think we probably just tried to cross the bridge when we got there :)

I wish you all the best and His blessings for your future endeavours, and do 'teguh' me if you see me outside ok? :)

Unknown said...

Hi Kak Mimi, I love reading this entry of yours. The road less travelled seems like my life story too...hee but I suppose God has meant it that way.

I think you've done very well and I'm very proud to have you as my family. I would give anything for 4 kids, 2 cats and a loving hubby...hahaha.

Money can't buy those. :D

Anonymous said...

hi shamilah! cake here....it's been so long! anyway i somehow found my way to your blog, and this entry's so beautifully written :)
anyway, me and family are in perth now, so can consider perth as your brood's next pit-stop!
take care, and may Allah bless your family every step of the way :)
ps: pergi bangkok berdua, nanti no 5 kapa? kehrkehrekrh :)

haznsham said...

Ya Lin, I know you soo had to take the road less travelled, eventhough you were just a girl then. But it has made you the strong woman you are now. I'm a proud big cuzzen you know. But all praises be to Him of course :)

And you know what, I ever asked my mother to adopt you...heee

haznsham said...

OMG!!! Cake! Can't believe it's you! Ok Ok A'kum...heheh

Ya it's really been a long time! And hearing from you reminds me of my Darul days.....I feel so youthful heheh

How's everyone in your family doing? How's life in Perth? More handsome boys coming along?

As for me, no Made in Thailand babies.....Sheesh must let u all catch up first mah.
Eh u take care n keep in touch ok?

Dont mind telling me your blog add?

Anonymous said...

Hi Shamilah

Nice written blog. Definitely inspiring.

Hey, we really should catch up you know. I miss seeing you. Aeshon and Aiman are getting married soon. So it will be left with me and Ayesha who are not married. No pressure! hehe

Anyway, you can visit me at http://abuley.multiply.com

You take care!

Ps: Cake... were you from IRC #Melayu2? Your nick sounds familiar (maybe that's because I only know 1 Cake. haha) though I vaguely remember how you look like. My nick is Ashley.

haznsham said...

Hi Juhanna

I miss you too lah. Will check out your blog right after this.

And when are Aeshon and Aiman getting married? Tell them to invite me ok.

N ya we should catch up, but I tell you, I owe a lot of people some catching up, and I'm feeling sooo guilty :(

Anonymous said...

Yup, I truly believe that every child brings along rezeki. And that is the VERY reason why I'm persuading hubby to try for a third one (or fourth subsequently?) Hehe... But seriously, as I feel the warmth of my kids' love, I realise that getting married and being a 'baby-making machine' are the best things that have ever happened. Career has somewhat taken a back seat and becomes not as important. :)

haznsham said...

Hi Marlina

I agree, and just for the benefit of readers, career taking a back seat to family is simply relative. That is to say that career and/or progress are important, but family is MORE important.

All the best to u Marlina, in your further studies and your upcoming 'project'...skali who knows u get twins too :)

Anonymous said...

i wish we're as adventurous as you guys! we keep stopping ourselves to think of, well, ourselves. :S

eh dah lama tak jumpa, how was cny? bestnye budak2 tu, sumer festivities dapat celebrate! deepavali takde? heheee...

haznsham said...

Eh hehe well u dont have to be like us. I think u're doing what is best for your family also ;)

And cny is lucrative for the kids lah as usual......it's the pak yang pokai heheh.

btw, u noe abt the chalet nur got for april?

Anonymous said...

yes i know! april oso her ahem, burfday rite.... get ready to sabo k. ;)

and you know, just yesterday my mum made yet another remark to me to not have any more kids. coz she thinks i can't even handle one... sigh.

haznsham said...

Ahhaha sabo I like....... ;>

N mothers always tell us to not have any more kids cos they're worried we cant handle them. But when we do, dorang yang soo sayang the kids and spoil them *roll eyes*

Anonymous said...

I clicked on a link from Rima's website...and didn't expect to see a pic someone I used to know from SP. Good to see, Hazrin is now a father of 4 kids! What a surprise! Looking at him back in school, he was 1 of those you would least expect to settle down so early. My oh my! How time flies! 12 years ago...

haznsham said...

Hi passerby

Thanx for dropping in. Ya I know what u mean :)

In fact he was also 1 of those I would least expect to settle down with....God works in mysterious ways ;)

Goat Almighty said...

did someone mention 4 kids!? woo!!!

hah! we've got THAT in black and white now!

Anonymous said...

Shamila aka Jie!!
Hey this is Lina ( darul ) and somehow I was bloghopping and found yours and Kor Kor Hazrin's site here. The last time I saw the 6 of you was at my wedding April last year and my.. how the kids have grown!!

I am staying in Petaling Jaya Selangor now and teaching in one of the International Schools here run by ISTAC. This entry is so good and it brought back to the memories where you and kor kor brought me to the Darul Libary up there in the attic to 'announce' of this big leap you both are taking and I remember tearing in joy. heheheh time flies!!!

haznsham said...

Heheheh goat ure very witty...I'm glad u taking gd care of my cuzzen *wink*

haznsham said...

Eh Lina u mean your wedding was almost a year ago eh? Then time really flies.....So any other "news" u wanna tell ur jie and kor kor? hehe...

Ms Baker said...

ahha yeah the wedding is 1 year and 2 weeks ago. if any news to tell, i am getting fatter lah.. sideways not frontal ways.. ehehhe

just wish jie and kor kor a blissful life ahead and hopefully we meet again insya Allah!!!!