05 March 2007

One very compressed post

This will be a very compressed post....... We haven't got the time to update our blog since we became overwhelmed with all the last minute errands for Mariah's wedding preparation. Nevertheless, here are some picture updates......



Chinese New Year.......

Baby Xander - the youngest in the clan, for now.....

With Ayah Long, Aunty Sha, Danial, Mak Busu, Uncle Fad, Ayah Tok & Mak Tok.

The 3 heroes

Ayah Long & Family


Chilling out at Airport after school

At Swensen's with Danial

Juz posing for fun


And they are the reason why we are sooo busy........

The Bride & Groom-to-be

At Najihah's, discussing details of the wedding decor


Anonymous said...

Mariah looks gorgeous as a bride-to-be. When exactly is she getting married? I heard it's around the same time as my brother's wedding.... Or is it the same day? Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

ohhh wow, the kids are SO BIG already! we live so near yet we hardly get to see them! :S

and good luck mariah! najihah did pharmacy with u in uni right?

haznsham said...

Hi Marlina
Mariah is gonna make one gorgeous bride I tell you! And Fad is definitely gonna make one hunk of a groom. Imagine their offsprings.......
Ok but I shall not fast forward. Let them nikah first ;}
Btw, I think ur bro's wedding is on Sunday. Hers is on Saturday, but the nikah is on Thursday

haznsham said...

Hi Hana

That's why. And next year, the twins will be in P1, Sufi K1, and even Fazli will start school!
We better meet up before our boys get enlisted into NS hor!

And ya Najihah, me and Rozana did pharmacy together.I actually enjoyed those tough uni years because I had them. While other students were busy studying, we were busy 'merayaping' at Holland V or eating at the nearby NUH cafeteria or chit chatting at the medic library! Bad student ;S

Anonymous said...

ahhh notty jugak u ehh kat sekolah... hehe. merayap kat holland v, tu dekat ngan SP kan... ;p

we shd try to go on another trip to m'sia! the last time we drove up together, i revealed i was pregs, remember?? jom ah jom!

but i'd like to put aniq in ur car pls. (boleh dia dok diam sikit tengok vcd ngan the other kids hehee.)

Arlynn said...

Ya, I heard Mariah's wedding is on Saturday. My bro's wedding is on Sunday but nikah is on Saturday. Nevertheless, my dad said he will still try to make it for Mariah's wedding after my brother dah habis nikah. Hehehe. He said afterall, ur father is his second cousin, mah! :)

haznsham said...

Oh Hana I know why you wanna go to M'sia again. You wanna make another revelation is it? Heheh...But where to ah? Nanti at the chalet must discuss ok....

haznsham said...

Marlina, your dad is always so concerned about my dad. May Allah bless him :)