02 April 2007

My super girls

Hey girls, you all are the best!


Anonymous said...

hehe sham... love you guys! :D

haznsham said...

Eh hi liane....tx! *blush*

Anonymous said...

you are a natural beauty. do you mind sharing some of your beauty tips? like, wat kind of skincare pdts you use, any advice for young muslimah like myself?


Anonymous said...

haha, sham, don't need to action paiseh lah! :P

haznsham said...

Woi liane u gonna get it from me tomorrow hor *roll eyes*

haznsham said...

Salams lea

Actually if u ask me about household hints and tips, i can be more of help cos i do more housekeeping than self-grooming....boring rite? heheh

but if u really wanna know what skin products i use, it's Clinique. I use the skin care system 1,2,3 cos it's simple and easy for my hectic schedule. 15 minutes tops to complete the so-called beauty regimen.

I've never done any facials cos i'm basically too scared to do so. But it's ok if u wanna try, i guess. For me, I just use Clinique mask once a while when i feel the stuffiness on my face (and while i'm at it, i'll play catching with my kids....I'll be the hideous monster! Liddat can self-groom n spend time with the kidz - ok but u dont have to worry bout that!)

Anyway, with clean skin, anyone can look radiant, with or without make-up.

It's important to groom oneself,but dont over do it cos less is more :)

But hey since i dont think i really qualify to give any beauty tips, i think u should seek professional advice from the beauty gurus lah.....

Anonymous said...

what about your sister, Mariah? What skincare and makeup does she use?

haznsham said...

Sorry but i cant answer for her ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello anonymous...

Yeah I tink il answer your question myself. Ive been using Ginvera 3 in 1 eversince sec sch day. $4.50 only :)

Anonymous said...

cheap and good. i loike!

haznsham said...

Yeah that's my sis, simple and beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

hehe..i agree with e less is more part. thanks for sharing, hhmm,i shall keep e qns on household tips in mind :)

and,simplicity is key,to everything, rite?


Anonymous said...


The Ginvera product was actually recommended by you what kakak...I tried to change to Nivea once...but not goodla..kuar biji2...

Anyways yeah..Ginvera 3 in 1 is good....! :)

haznsham said...

Ya lah I used Ginvera since young but had to convert to Clinique few years ago. Need a more elaborate skin care regimen for my aging skin LOL!

Anonymous said...

Salams all,

Both u sisters are natural beauties .. that includes Cousin Lyn too..
