07 April 2007

Children Don't Fit On To-Do List

Have you noticed that routine panic is becoming a way of life for today's families? There was a time when a man didn't fret if he missed a bus. He'd just catch the next one. Now, if a fellow misses a section of a revolving door, he's thrown into despair.

But guess who's the inevitable loser from this breathless lifestyle? It's the little guy who's leaning against the wall with his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans.

He misses his father during the long day and he tags around after him at night saying: "Play soccer, Dad!" But Dad's too tired. Besides he has a briefcase full of work to be done. Mum had promised to take him to the park this afternoon but then she had to go to a school meeting at the last minute. So, the lad gets the message. His folks are busy again. (He drifts into the living room and watches two hours of pointless cartoons on television.)

Children just don't fit into a to-do list very well. It takes time to introduce them to good books. It takes time to listen once more to the bruised knee episode from the playground and talk about the bird with the broken wing.

These are the building blocks of esteem held together with the mortar of love. But they seldom materialise amid busy time tables. Instead, crowded lives produce fatigue, fatigue produces irritability, and irritability produces indifference. There simply has to be a better way.

Article by Dr James Dobson. His column, Focus on the Family appears daily in the Today papers...


Anonymous said...

i fear the day i become too busy for my kid/s. i made a promise to myself to do something about it before i fall into that trap. we'll see when the time comes... but i am so for the idea of family, children especially, before work.

Anonymous said...

shammmmmy... i really admire you! you've four kids yet you always seem to make time for them... way to go girl! u really noe what's important in life! :) don't get so caught up with career and other stuff that you neglect them in the future... k? ^^ anyway... thx for ur words of wisdom tt u share with us each day! god bless!

haznsham said...

Hey that's very encouraging.....looks like u're more advanced than us *wink*. Ikmal, u hear that brudder? :)

haznsham said...

Eh liane, dont make me paiseh leh....i dont think i'm wise enuff to share words of wisdom. Juz sharing experiences that's all! What's a senior for, rite? :)

Btw, you really should consider all the other options out there. How bout aeronautical pharmacy?

Anonymous said...

what's that (aeronautical pharmacy)?! @.@"

anyway, i always appreciate the advise you give because they're real, thoughtful and based on the true face of life. they're unlike words from a typical adult which usually just targets the problem very practically, often from a clouded/single point of view. your advise is meaningful, targets all angles and seems to come from someone who knows what life is truly about. you observe all that happens around you and reflect upon them, which is what makes your words so valuable. and while you know where you stand, you are not arrogant nor elitist. :)

just letting you know how i feel. don't get a swollen head from my words! :P

love you~

haznsham said...

Love you too girl, love you too....:)

The 6 of Us said...

Talking abt kids and family, yes they are the most impt part of one's life (besides one's ibadah). But I think one can still have a notable career without sacrificing family/kids, just need lots of support, perseverance, patience, and faith :-) insha Allah

haznsham said...

Sure Rahmah, and I think it's all individual choices.

I believe when someone wants something bad enough, he/she will persevere.

I can respect you for choosing and persevering to have a notable career and a family life.

I can respect some of my friends for choosing and persevering to put family before career.

And I can also respect people who choose to bite the bullet and sacrifice family for another good (Think of Lt Adnan who left his beloved family behind to command his troop and fight for his country)

The 6 of Us said...

Yes that's right, all boils down to the individual and his/her own unqiue circumstances. In the end, what one wants to achieve ultimately in life is really up to oneself :-)

izadnhana said...

i read this article too, and smiled at this line in particular: "It takes time to introduce them to good books." coz that's so true! penat macam mana pon, at the end of the day, it's the greatest accomplishment to just get him interested in books for at least 10 mins.

and for that, i thank barney for making my job easier (they somehow respond so b****y well to that purple monstrosity, lol!)

haznsham said...

So you have to do the Barney song too eh?

Unknown said...

kak mimi, you are an invited reader to my blog. please e-mail me so that i can log you in hokays?

haznsham said...


Anonymous said...

good read, shamilah. i'm thankful for my time over here as i seem to have loads of time on my hand, and no one here seems in a hurry to do anything hee hee.