15 April 2007

Night out @ Pasir Ris Beach

Taking advantage of the clear sky that night, we decided to have a picnic under the stars....away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Sham was all for it cos it meant no cooking for her. So we headed down to Pasir Ris Beach, squeezed ourselves on top of 4 big ponchos and devoured our Changi Village nasi lemak like some hungry hyenas....

Kids love unplanned outings. It means adventure, and they get to be creative.........

Like looking for TWIGS to set up a campfire when the lights went out,

like running around in a circular formation in pitch darkness,

and posing for a picture in the dark all at once......

While I just looked on, amazed.....

And yet after a long tiring day, all that running around still wasn't enough to call it a day.

They wanted to go climbing...

So climb we did, parents and all......


Ms Baker said...

wah kor kor, the kids are all grown eh.. the last I saw them was at my wedding last year... Nice to stumble upon your blog ehhehe...

Lina ( darul )

haznsham said...

Ya lah they're all grown up...mak bapak pun dah tua...

The 6 of Us said...

Hmmm sedapnya tapau makan from Changi Village...the Nasi Ayam Penyet is also not bad (hehehe, craving for a lot of local food, the bane of being overseas).

Yeah, kids are lovely aren't they, not fussy and demanding, whether it be planned or unplanned events, as long as there's fun to be had, they'll always somehow manage to enjoy themselves.

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so adorable. Hmm imagine if all of us gather one day with all your families, mesti kecoh.

Sham, you should pack and courier some nasi lemak to R in NZ. LOL.

haznsham said...

HAHAHA someone's craving nasi lemak and ayam penyet! Got u drooling didnt I!? MUAHAHA

Eh Juhanna, maybe we can start a business tapauing local food to our overseas counterparts huh? I've got friends migrating to Australia and making me promise to send over Kicap cap kipas!

Anonymous said...

Sham.. Brilliant idea. I do not mind doing the travelling myself... Exclusive Hand-Delivery to your Door Step service. LOL.

Unknown said...

yeah lah kak mimi, now you got me craving for nasi lemak. eventhough we live in Singers, we don't visit Changi often.

haznsham said...

Eh alamak, kesiannye Lin!

Almighty goat, if u're reading this post, u know what needs to be done lah ok.

Get my cousin some Changi Village nasi lemak lah for goat's sake! ;)

Goat Almighty said...

ok, goat it!

by the way, it's nice seeing photos of your family just going crazy like this.

something inside of me is tingling. oooh.

haznsham said...


lunacy said...

hi Sham, found your blog by chance. Nice to see old skool mate blogging ;)

haznsham said...

Hi Kak Wati u're Lunacy rite? Tx for dropping by. Anyway, how's ur spectacle? Dah baik ke blum...last time we bumped into each other, the specs pakai tape heheh

lunacy said...

hahaha yup im lunacy and u still remember tat spectacle thinggy! i got a new one right after meeting u lah :)