25 April 2007

When it's time.....

Of late, this blog has been swarmed by plenty of comments, both good and bad.

While criticisms are welcomed, the insincere way by which they have been thrown at my face leave much of its truthfulness to be desired.

Aloofness aside, which human being would not react when thrown cold water smack on the face.......A dead one perhaps?

But it will not leave me for the worse or make me bitter cos this episode has only strengthened my resolve to not be the sort of person who so high handedly albeit cowardly judges another human being.

Some admitted the propensity of this blog for being entertaining, thereby spurring them to deliberately say stupid things juz to 'spice things up', and then having the cheek to tell me to 'go with the flow' for the sake of 'entertainment'.

If there is truth that needs to be reflected, let me do it in my own cave, and if I emerge a better person, only Allah will know. I will not show it by being a judge of someone else's character, and leaving a spiteful anonymous comment on somebody else's blog.

To all my family and friends who have stood by me, I thank you for your support. And if you find your comments unpublished, it is only so because I do not see the hikmah in getting my friends slained in this family-blog, especially after standing up for me.

So at the end of the day, while one can say 'bring it on', I shall not be a bravado for the sake of other people's entertainment. I'm not a bull fighter. I therefore think that some form of censorship is timely. Afterall, this is MY blog.....


Unknown said...

good on u man.

Anonymous said...

Ya I would have done the same thing too.

Buat ape nak kasi dorang chan get entertainment at our own expense kan?

I think some people are really sick la, but they think it's cool and funny.

Aiya wat goes around comes around pe!

Ms Baker said...


a big bear hug for you and family from here. Allah knows best and my prayers for kor kor and you, always.

Anonymous said...

way to go, babe! :D

mana gambar hari tu darrr...

Anonymous said...


I hope what had happened will not dampen your spirit to blog since this is the only way I can catch up with you since both of us are 2 busy women. :D

Do you know that the last time I saw was on your wedding day? Some of our classmates always bumped into you, even my sister but I never lah. Hope to bump into you one day. :D

haznsham said...

Hi everyone, tx for the support, hugs and prayers, thank you thank you thank you!

Mishka - I'm sorry but I think I screwed up the comment moderation thingy and lost your comment. But tx ya! I'll pass ur message to my sis and cuzzen hee

Goat Almighty said...


just wanna see if this goes through.

haznsham said...

Ahhahaha oklah....not much to censor i think.....at least not in goat language!