26 August 2006

Study Buddy

Meet Chico, our 7th member of the family, and Hazrin's loyal study buddy.
He's so loyal a study buddy, he may just end up graduating with Honours too....Heheeh


citizen girl said...

chico dah besar eh!!! the last time i saw chico, dia masih kitten seh!

haznsham said...

A AH.....And he has somehow mellowed ur abg hazrin. Now, hazrin has become an avid cat lover. Everytime he walks pass our void deck, 4 nearby stray cats will get excited and all will start rushing and going after him to get his attention.They would even get jealous of one another and fight juz to get hazrin to sayang sayang them. They adore him so much that I'm starting to get jealous.

And Im also surprised that hazrin loves and cares for Chico so much. Even I dont know that Chico has a preference for certain types of food. The other day we went grocery shopping, he told me what flavour chico likes and to only buy those.

When chico went missing one day, hazrin got so worried and went out to look for him and didnt come back until he found chico.

And every nite, after tucking all the kidz in to bed, he will also tuck chico in! How scary is that?

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Chico, finally i get to see him... The last time I saw him, he was so scared to come out from your room. He he he...macam Comel eh? Ingat seh Comel the garang cat who only gets along with Yaya.

Anonymous said...

chico is so cute. somewhat reminded me of comel.

citizen girl said...

Kak Sham! that is scary lah! aiyah.. you donch have to be jealous mah. you are still the one he will give his attention to. ;)

haznsham said...

Ya like comel.... how i miss her.... She was my best friend and she died in my arms at age 14.She actually got bitten by two big bloody dogs....

Goat Almighty said...

does everyone have cats or what? i'm so jealous, harrrumph!