14 October 2006

When Chico Met Kitty

Chico was all hostile towards Kitty when they were first introduced. Having been the only cat in the family, Chico felt threatened by Kitty's presence. His jealousy and anxiety made him puke all over the house, and he ended up hiding all day long, even refusing to eat and drink.

However, being a mak nenek that she is, Kitty was adamant in her attempt to win over Chico's heart. She repetitively approached the big guy ever so casually, and was not deterred by his growls and scratches. We were so worried for her, but she was unstoppable! Call her naive, but her persistence actually paid off, cos Chico finally gave up being hostile. If you can't fight her, you might as well just join her....heheh
Well, good for him cos he's gotten himself a cute 'lil playmate. Hazrin now calls him Abang Chico......


Anonymous said...

So cute la your cats!

Also like to take this opportunity to wish you and family - Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin.

izadnhana said...

you shd find twin cats. hee hee. :p

rahyan said...

wa chico da jadi abg angkat eh. is he sterile? cos, you know, he prolly terANGKAT kitty one day. and if that happens, can pass one furball to me? hehe.

Azfar said...


haznsham said...

Heheh but unfortunately Chico dah kena 'sunat' lah....so even if he 'terangkat' Kitty, there will be no furballs.

My cuz Melati always has a supply of furballs (Her cats banyak sangat abg n adik angkat)if u're really interested :)