18 March 2007

Uncle Fad is now Pak Busu

Pictures of Mariah's Wedding can be found here. My apologies for some of the blurrr pics, was using Azfar's camera and wasn't too familiar with its functions. For the full story of the wedding you'll have to wait for Sham's posts...so stay tuned.


The 6 of Us said...

Assalamualaikum Shamilah, Rahmah here. I was blog-hopping and remembered that I actually had your blog url (buried somewhere in my inbox, helpfully given by Juhanna awhile back), so thought I'd drop by for a quick visit, glad to see you and family doing great, alhamdulillah. Although we did bump into each other a few times the past year, never got the opportunity to catch up in the real world, so guess the e-world will have to do :-) By the way, pls convey my warmest regards to your dear parents and congrats to Mariah and hubby (how time flies!). Oklah, hope to keep in touch electronically when you've the time. Till then, take care and all the best.

Anonymous said...

it was a GORGEOUS wedding & the bride and groom are, without a doubt, a perfect match!

kak sham, you're helping me when my time comes ok? i chope you first! oh, i chope your kiddos also. hee hee hee!

Anonymous said...

hey the wedding looked nice. was it done professionally?

Mary said...

Kak Mimi, dunno whether you will remember me or not but its Maryam here, anak Pak Cik Ses.
Do you mind me adding you to my blog roll??
Add me if you wish!

Mary said...

Kak Mimi, dunno whether you will remember me or not but its Maryam here, anak Pak Cik Ses.
Do you mind me adding you to my blog roll??
Add me if you wish!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rahmah

Cant believe we finally caught up in this blog. I checked out your blog y'day and am glad to know you and your family are doing great too in NZ. I've been wanting to go there for the longest time......nak cari Legolas...

But seriously, take more pics while u're there n post it on your blog please....that's the closest I can get to NZ :)

haznsham said...

Hi Anonymous

The bridal bedroom, bridal gowns, bridal scarves, hantaran, bunga rampai, berkat and nikah venue were all prepared by our own family.

The decor at the CC and the beautiful bridal cake are all done by my friend, Najihah, and her family. And ya, it IS professional cos they now have their own company - The Wedding Chateau.

I trusted only her and her family to do up the decor cos only they can understand and entertain our taste, and they are the best! If she had not done it for us, we'd rather do up the decor ourselves than engage any other decor companies - that's how fussy we are ;0

Stay tuned to this blog cos I'll put the post up soon....

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It was beautiful, something like what I had in mind for myself. Maybe I'll contact this Bridal Chateau.

haznsham said...

Maryam, funnylah you....Of course I remember you! DUH!!
I even remembered how, when you were just a small girl, you helped your mum deliver your baby brother when she couldn't make it to the hospital on time!

And sure, add me to your blogroll. I'll add you to mine ;)

haznsham said...

Eh Nur u really want to chope me? But I'm very fussy, that ok?....I call it 'paying great attention to details', but hazrin says it's 'cerewet', by any other name heheh

But sure, no prob I can help.....juz make sure u get married before my boys grow leg hair ok? (Though I think Sufi will still remain small - being the polly pocket, that she is)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Mariah. Bumped into her at the airport a week before her wedding. Back then, she already had the Seri Pengantin. :)

Wanted to leave her a message but seems like she has brought the page down.

Anyway, here wishing her a blissful marriage and hingga kekal hingga ke Syurga. (Wah so cliche. hehe)

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Wah kak, ramai org dah chope kau..hehehe i wanna join!...yahoooooo....

me n fad starting our own blog soon.....so exciting...!! wohoo...ahha crazy...

to all well wishes, thanks yeah!! :)

and of coz thanks to my sis n family..for bearing with me..the ever so cerewet bride :D

Anonymous said...

well wishers i mean.. :)

The 6 of Us said...

Sure, will do, actually got tonnes of pics, just haven't had the time to organise and put them up yet. But since just finished my 6-month review which went well, am a little bit stress-free with time on hand to do this soon. But anyway, seriously if you want to do a longhaul family trip sometime, NZ quite a nice place for this (hehehe, you know me NZ-smitten for quite a long time and still haven't got it out of my system).

Anonymous said...

Mariah of course u have to join. When people chope me, it's understood that u're involved wat! U think I'm gonna let u and Mak off the hook? In fact, u're the expert ;)

Anonymous said...

"Eh Nur u really want to chope me? But I'm very fussy, that ok?....I call it 'paying great attention to details', but hazrin says it's 'cerewet', by any other name heheh"

tak kisah kalau you cerewet... i leave it to you to do it up the way you see fit! =) cedebah... hee hee hee!

"juz make sure u get married before my boys grow leg hair ok?"

ROTFL! i will let ikmal know about that. =P

Anonymous said...

were u all on budget? cause there are much nicer bridal gowns out there in the market.but its very true you can save a lot if you diy.

Mary said...

wah, seems like a lot of people remember me for "delivering" my not so baby brother who is turning sixteen this year. Haha...actually i was an innocent bystander.

Anonymous said...

Hi haznsham, i was blown away by your sister's wedding decor. I'm set to get married next year, i'm wondering whether there is an online site for your friend's wedding company, the Wedding Chateau?

haznsham said...

"were u all on budget? cause there are much nicer bridal gowns out there in the market.but its very true you can save a lot if you diy."

True we get to save a lot cos we diy. N it's very satisfying to do so too. Anyway we dont want to spend money on gowns we dont fancy. Mariah is all natural and simple, and doesnt like the typical sequined and glossy gowns out there. She didnt even spot bridal make up. Twas just plain scarve, eyeliner, blusher, lipstick, and good 'ol mum-made-with-love gown for her ;)
Twas all very sentimental and personal :)

haznsham said...

"Hi haznsham, i was blown away by your sister's wedding decor. I'm set to get married next year, i'm wondering whether there is an online site for your friend's wedding company, the Wedding Chateau?"

Ya it was beautiful.It was simple, classy and non extravagent - juz the way we wanted it ;)

They're coming up with their site soon. I'll put it up in my blog as soon as they do......

Najihah and her family started up their company after they diy her own wedding. Juz like us, she didn't fancy the typical decor styles out there, and would prefer to do it on their own. Nothing beats spending money doing it your own way, especially when you know how to ;) It was all in the family, and her wedding was beautiful.

We wanted to do up the decor ourselves too, but since she has started up the company, I thought we'd save time engaging her service cos we share and appreciate her taste anyway.

And it was gorgeous! We asked for a garden concept, all natural. No wedding dias - juz a beautiful reception table for the bride and groom to dine amidst all their guests. Then to fill up the place and bring out the garden atmosphere, Najihah added in a gazebo and a garden bench and was generous with her supply of plants and fresh flowers - like as if it was her own wedding.

When the elders heard of our simple and weird decor ideas, without the dias and all, they were skeptical.But we went ahead with it. They we dumbfounded when they came to the reception. They didnt know that simplicity can be beautiful ;)

Anonymous said...

Would it be too rude to ask how much was spent for the wedding? I saw your sister's wedding photos on Nur's multiply and i love the gazebo! I, myself have been saving up to a close of 3 years now for my December wedding next year somehow or rather, friends keep saying "save too little, then u'll be shortchanged, spend too much, it'll all be in vain" would a 15k budget suffice?

Anonymous said...

To those who are interested: http://the-wedding-chateau.com. They have various decor types too. Although in the site, the decor highlighted seems to be pics that have been featured/inspired from a malaysian bridal decor magazine.

Other deco companies tend to cater to their clients too, but not everyone goes for the western-country look. Maybe that's why we dont see much of it around. You could check them out. They range from about 3k above as quoted by some of my contacts who've hired/intend to hire them.

Simplicity is indeed beautiful. It's just a matter of taste and as long as a majlis like this doesnt require alot of debts to come through, meaning make sure budget is sufficient, and for those of you who are not into country themed decor, do not assume your wedding wont be just as beautiful with some other theme. Its okay! Any theme, as long as you work well with your deco companies,they can and will assist to your liking. That's what they are paid for!

but if you've got room for the wedding chateau, go ahead drop them a contact at the site above!

happy kawin kawin!

haznsham said...

"Would it be too rude to ask how much was spent for the wedding?....... would a 15k budget suffice?"

Heheh actually it all depends on what you want, really ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Haznsham

No doubt your sister's wedding is beautiful. It was simple, yet not simplistic. Actually it's very difficult to explain and put a finger on what makes the wedding beautiful. I LOVE IT.

Most brides look like queens, but your sister looks like an angel! No crowns, accessories, fancy gowns or excessive bridal make-up, yet she looks breathtaking. Simply divine!

Seeing her, I wish I had dared to be different by being myself when I was a bride. I was sort of pressured to look like a bride, and I ended up looking like a queen wannabe. And how sweet that your mother sewed the bridal gown for her. Got that sentimental touch to it and she can keep the gown as an heirloom. One day she can pass it down to her daughter and tell her that the grandmother sewed this for her when was a young bride.

My best wishes to the newlyweds.

haznsham said...

**"Although in the site, the decor highlighted seems to be pics that have been featured/inspired from a malaysian bridal decor magazine."**

I dont think they are 'pics that have been featured/inspired from a malaysian bridal decor magazine'. These are all their own projects themed and personally customized to meet their customers' needs and taste. If they bear any resemblence, that wont be surprising cos sometimes customers have certain ideas conjured out of their own sources and experiences.

**"Other deco companies tend to cater to their clients too, but not everyone goes for the western-country look. Maybe that's why we dont see much of it around."**

Actually, if we dont see that many western style decors around, it's not because there aren't much of it around. In fact, the so-called "western-style" look is rampant. It's just that the theme is not 'worked' on properly to create an impactful ambience. The ones that you can 'see' are obviously the ones that were 'worked' on properly. This goes for all other themes as well....
Actually the important thing is harmony in the decor. Whatever look one likes, be it eastern, mediterranean, exotic, new age, fusion or western style, there has to be harmony in colour, texture, with lots of delicate attention to details blending into the theme and many other quality factors to make it 'work'. We initially wanted to do up the decor on our own not because we didnt fancy the themes out there, but rather because we didnt fancy the 'work' that comes with any so-called themes,for that matter, giving rise to unimpactful decor styles. And the very good ones are extremely expensive and extravagant for our own liking. Najihah on the other hand, understood what we wanted, no matter how weird our idea was, and she devoted a lot of effort to make it 'work'. That is why if we had not gotten her, we would have done it on our own, just to be sure we get what we wanted - the weird simple-no-dias-indoor-garden-reception theme

**"and for those of you who are not into country themed decor, do not assume your wedding wont be just as beautiful with some other theme. Its okay! Any theme, as long as you work well with your deco companies,they can and will assist to your liking."**

Sure....and in fact I dont think anyone was assuming that their wedding wont be just as beautiful with a theme other than "country" if you know what that theme means. And since tastes differ among people, of course it's ok, in fact more than okay to work on any preferred themes....but the take-home point is to make sure we work with someone who can make it 'work' for us. Of course there are the very high-end decor companies who can really 'work' it for us, but they normally come with a very hefty fee - and we dont want that either.....

Anonymous said...

wow nice. but it was a combined wedding right? did de groom's side have any say with regards to the wedding preps n deco? or was it just the bride's side running de show?

haznsham said...

Ya it was a combined wedding, and in such weddings, we cannot afford to look at 'sides'. We work as one whole big family, and we complement one another by making up for one another's weaknesses and working on one another's strengths. Depending on the tasks at hand,there will be different people leading and supporting.A good leader without good support will be nothing, so we all play our roles seriously, and we have a lot of consensus, so it's a level playing field. No finger pointing, and a lot of giving and taking. ;)It was a happy and momentous occassion for all of us, Alhamdulillah.

Anonymous said...

hopefully his side feels de same way ;)

Anonymous said...

haha yeah. such big words for a tiny event. keep it short and sweet will do, la.

haznsham said...

**"hopefully his side feels de same way ;) "**

Hmm well you can always check with them if you really want to know....but ask yourself why YOU need to know ;>

haznsham said...

**"haha yeah. such big words for a tiny event. keep it short and sweet will do, la."**


Anonymous said...

Haznsham, sorry to kepoh but you know you can erase all these negative comments from org-org yg sour grapes ni sume kan?

haznsham said...

Yes I can but I wont. This is real life.

I happen to be sentimental about such things as teamwork and leadership, but if they find my words too big for such a tiny event, they're entitled to their own opinion.....it wont change me ;)

Anonymous said...

Way to go,fren! You handled all these anonymous condescending questions and remarks so well. Can smile even.

Obviuosly some people nak cari pasal on other people's blog, and they anonymously ask questions for mocking purpose.Then when you answer them, they mock you for your answer.Just trying to find fault. That's why I don't want to have a blog!

Sometimes that's what you get for being different and for being yourself, but hey dont worry I think you're tough AND cool!

Rima Melati Siahaan-Adams said...

Allow me to say this on behalf of my cousin/s but Anonymous, leave your unnecessary comments to urself.SERIOUSLY. They are happily married lor. So nothing would hurt their feelings.